Yeah, it's stealing an idea, but it injecting more action into it, which is pretty cool. It's good because the movie takes a ton of it's credit from the "Ocean 11" films. Okay, here is where it gets both good and bad.

Next, you really need to buff up your script. So with a series that relies heavily on their driving sequences and less on their script, how do you keep your audience entertained? Well, the first step is to incorporate another major actor, enter The Rock. Finally, someone with brains stepped into this movie and said let's save all of our bullets and unleash them in the end. Which really is a genius idea, because when the time did come to have an awesome driving sequence, you were begging for it. First, they didn't have a damn drag race every 10 minutes. Sure the movie had a lot of the same moving parts, but what really made this one stand out is how it actually changed the pace of how they normally do things. I went in with low expectations, and came out pretty damn satisfied. I never thought i would say this, but i actually enjoyed this movie. Hopefull this new installment can bring something fresh to the table. Am i saying that these sequels are as bad as Michael Bay films? No, but each one offers nothing new, well, unless you count drifting, and that isn't saying a lot. Yeah i know it's high octane fun, but you can say the same thing about Michael Bay films. Sure the original was something fresh, new, and somewhat original. Instead of a black screen, the start of the end credits has a warning on stunts shouldn't be imitated at home.When rescuing Hobbs' team who are being ambushed by Reyes's men, Dominic fires two more shots at Reyes's men while Hobb's is still lying on the ground.Finally, when Hobbs is down on the floor, there's another punch from Dom. When Hobbs hit back, there's another punch at Dom before Hobbs spins around for another lunge. Then another hard headbutt and a punch at Hobbs' face. Hobbs' and Dominic's brawl is slightly longer: Hobbs lands a cracking elbow check on Dom's back and Dom punches Hobbs in the ribs.Roman and Han, tasked to transport the money says of a possible solution : a ventilation shaft that leads straight into the garage so they can transport the money from the shaft into the transport cars.

Brian founds out that there's an adjoining wall to the toilet room. The crew talks about breaking into the safe and how to transport the money.Tej admits that the safe they're going after is the hardest to crack and they need another duplicate safe to practice.

After Hobbs' team shootout with Zizi's gang, he asks whether all is clear while they are aiming guns at Neves.The extended cut is a minute longer with slight more graphic violence with the following additions: